Press Release

Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Unanimously Adopts SB 19-181 New Mission Change Rules, Alternative Location Analysis and Cumulative Impacts 

The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) announced today it has completed the rulemaking hearings addressing Mission Change, Alternative Location Analysis, Cumulative Impacts, and Compensatory Mitigation for Wildlife, as required by SB 19-181. The hearings began Aug. 24, addressed the 200-600 Series and then the 800,900 and 1200 Series started in October.

Department of Natural Resources Announces Orientation Meeting of Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board

The Colorado Department of Natural Resources is holding the first orientation meeting of the Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board (Board). The Board was established by Governor Jared Polis to evaluate proposals concerning name changes, new names, and name controversies of geographic features and certain public places in the State of Colorado and then making official recommendations to the Governor. 

Department of Natural Resources Releases Membership of Anti-Speculation Law Work Group

The Department of Natural Resources released the names of a 18-member Anti-Speculation Law Work Group (Work Group) whose objective is to explore ways to strengthen current Colorado water anti-speculation law.  The Work Group arose out of passage of Senate Bill 20-048 sponsored by Senators Donovan and Coram and Representatives Roberts and Catlin and signed by Governor Polis on March 11, 2021.

State Takes Action Against West Elk Mine Expansion into Protected Colorado Roadless Area

The Colorado Division of Reclamation and Mine Safety (DRMS) issued a cessation order to Mountain Coal Company, a subsidiary of Missouri-based Arch Coal and operator of the West Elk Mine in the North Fork Valley near Paonia, to prevent further road construction or tree removal within the protected Sunset Colorado
Roadless Area (CRA). The 2012 Colorado Roadless Rule, one of two state rules adopted by the U.S. Forest Service in lieu of the 2001 federal roadless rule, limits
road-building and other activities within undeveloped roadless areas.

CO Depts Express Concern Over Federal Executive Orders to Lift Environmental Reviews

DENVER -- The Colorado Departments of Natural Resources, Public Health and Environment, Transportation and the Colorado Energy Office joined together in a statement expressing concern about President Donald Trump’s Executive order to lift reviews of environmentally impactful activities.

"The June 4, 2020, Executive Order from President Donald Trump directs federal agencies to bypass requirements for a number of bedrock federal environmental laws, including: