Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board


The Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board (Board) is an advisory Board established by Governor Jared Polis to evaluate proposals concerning name changes, new names, and name controversies of geographic features and certain public places in the State of Colorado and then making official recommendations to the Governor. 

Primary Duties

The Board will primarily assist and cooperate with the United States Board of Geographic Names (BGN), who gives final determinations for standardizing the names of geographic and natural features.  The U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) is a Federal body created in 1890 and established to maintain uniform geographic name usage throughout the Federal Government. It comprises representatives of Federal agencies concerned with geographic information, population, ecology, and management of public lands.

U.S. Department of the Interior Completes Removal of “Sq___” for Federal Use

On September 8, 2022, the US Department of Interior's U.S. Board on Geographic Names (US BGN) voted on the final replacement names for nearly 650 geographic features featuring the word "sq___ " nationally and 28 names in Colorado. The Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board (CGNAB) thanks the public for their participation on the Boards consideration of Colorado geographic location names as part of the federal process. Below is a spreadsheet of the list of names considered & adopted by the US BGN, including Colorado's recommendations, and a map of the geographic locations of each renamed feature. 

Meeting Information

Previous Meetings



CANCELLED Tuesday, February 4, 2025

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Virtual Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 7290 3329
Passcode: 266179
Dial in 
1 719 359 4580 
1 253 215 8782 
Meeting ID: 885 7290 3329
Passcode: 266179

Proposals Under Consideration

  • Unnamed Feature to Banes Draw in Montezuma County (USBGN Case 5961)
  • Unnamed Feature to Mount Hughes in Larimer County (USBGN case 5937)
  • Pingree Park and Hill to Soule Park and Hill in Larimer County (USBGN cases 6113 and 6116)
  • Unnamed Feature to Lake Reed in Denver County (USBGN Case 6084) 
  • Unnamed Feature to La Monte Peak in La Plata and Montezuma Counties (USBGN CASE 6144) 
  • Kit Carson Mountain to Tabeguache Ute Peak in Saguache County (USBGN Case 6161)
  • Kit Carson Mountain to Mount Crestone in Saguache County (USBGN Case (6201)
  • kit Carson Mountain to Venado Mountain in Saguache County (USBGN Case 6289)

Submit public comment or sign up below to receive updates or press releases from the Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board.


Individuals or groups interested in proposing a name for a geographic feature must first submit an application through the US Board of Geographic Names (U.S. BGN). Before submitting a proposal, please read the U.S.BGN’s Principles, Policies, and Procedures for Domestic Geographic Names to make sure your proposal complies with U.S. BGN practices and has the best chance for approval.

To propose a new name or name change, complete the Domestic Geographic Name Proposal form (PDF version) and include all available supporting materials, either with the application or by email separately. The form can be submitted to BGNEXEC@usgs.gov or via mail to U.S. Board on Geographic Names, U.S. Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 523, Reston, VA 20192-0523.

Examples of supporting materials include biographical information, wilderness justification, statement that the proposal is not promoting a business, or proof of Tribal engagement.

If there are any questions on your renaming proposal, contact BGNEXEC@usgs.gov. The entire proposal process is free of charge.

The purpose of the Board is to help review and vet proposals for geographic and place name changes and new names for the entire State. Accordingly, it is important that the members of the Board are familiar with and represent different constituencies across the State. Current membership of the Board includes:

  • Vacant, representative of the General Assembly
  • Senator Tony Exum, Colorado Springs, representative of the General Assembly
  • Representative Tish Mauro, Pueblo, representative of the General Assembly
  • Council Member, Anna Stout, Grand Junction, representative of local government
  • Commissioner Richard Cimino, Grand County, representative of local government
  • Professor Jared Orsi, representative of History Colorado
  • Dr. Nicki Gonzales, representative with a background in race or ethnic studies or who are from and institution of cultural learning that focuses on traditionally underrepresented or displaced communities
  • Dr. Eric Ishiwata, representative with a background in race or ethnic studies or who are from and institution of cultural learning that focuses on traditionally underrepresented or displaced communities
  • Matt Steen, representative of the tourism and outdoor recreation industry
  • Assistant Director, Jill Carlson, representative of Colorado Geological Survey
  • Director, Thomas Andrews, representative of Center of the American West
  • Executive Director, Kathryn Redhorse, Colorado Commission on Indian Affairs
  • Director, Division of Local Government, Eric Bergman , Colorado Department of Local Affairs
  • Deputy Director, Tim Mauck, Colorado Department of Natural Resources
  • Director, Tim Wolfe, Colorado Tourism Office

Board Membership, Purpose & Scope

General Board Info:


Media Inquiries & CORA requests:

Chris Arend, Communications Director, chris.arend@state.co.us, 303-264-8615