Organizational Analysis of State Supported Wildfire Mitigation Efforts


Organizational Analysis of State Supported Wildfire Mitigation Efforts in Colorado

In 2021,the Colorado legislature and Governor Jared Polis directed the Colorado Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to conduct an assessment of wildfire mitigation efforts undertaken or supported by the state to determine the most efficient and effective organizational structure for those efforts.

Colorado has experienced increasing numbers of large, high-severity wildfires and alarming levels of forest mortality from insects and disease. This has led to increased attention and interest in the State of Colorado’s wildfire risk mitigation efforts from members of the public, nonprofit organizations, and federal, state and local elected officials.

The Department of Natural Resources, Colorado State Forest Service and Division of Fire Prevention and Control contracted with Arup, a professional consulting company, to conduct the organizational analysis of wildfire mitigation efforts. This analysis employed an evidence-based and collaborative approach to understand wildfire mitigation efforts in Colorado today for the purpose of identifying future opportunities for greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Study Results

Through a series of workshops, leaders from DNR, CSFS and DFPC co-developed a set of recommendations:  

Short-term recommendations:
Improve annual joint work planning to enable shared prioritization across wildfire mitigation efforts, and clarify budget and programmatic functionality of the Division of Forestry.

Promote greater understanding of the interconnected relationship between suppression and mitigation efforts among stakeholders

Medium-term recommendations:
Establish a statewide strategic approach to strengthen alignment with Shared Stewardship and related initiatives, and build additional capacity for prescribed fire by continuing to grow a highly-skilled and trained workforce.

Long-term recommendations:
Develop a strategic plan across DNR, CSFS and DFPC to guide wildfire mitigation efforts, and collectively define and track strategic performance measures across statewide efforts.

Arup’s process found DNR, CSFS and DFPC to be working in partnership and collaboration. DNR, CSFS and DFPC are committed to working together to provide wildfire mitigation programs and resources to Coloradans.


Frequently Asked Questions

The goal of the Organizational Assessment was to determine the most efficient and effective organizational structure for all wildfire mitigation efforts undertaken or supported by the State, with the best interest of the people of Colorado in mind. This was accomplished through a contract with Arup, who conducted research and engaged with internal and external stakeholders.

DNR, CSFS and DFPC aim to make it easier for stakeholders to access and understand available support for reducing wildfire risk. This process builds upon, maintains, and strengthens existing relationships among involved parties. 

Through a series of workshops, leaders from DNR, CSFS and DFPC co-developed a set of recommendations with Arup. These recommendations were selected specifically because of their potential to offer meaningful impact on the effectiveness of statewide mitigation efforts. The final report has been issued to DNR, CSFS and DFPC leadership team, legislators and Governor Polis, as well as made available to the public in early 2024.

Short-term recommendations:
Improve annual joint work planning to enable shared prioritization across wildfire mitigation efforts, and clarify budget and programmatic functionality of the Division of Forestry.

Promote greater understanding of the interconnected relationship between suppression and mitigation efforts among stakeholders

Medium-term recommendations:
Establish a statewide strategic approach to strengthen alignment with Shared Stewardship and related initiatives, and build additional capacity for prescribed fire by continuing to grow a highly-skilled and trained workforce.

Long-term recommendations:
Develop a strategic plan across DNR, CSFS and DFPC to guide wildfire mitigation efforts, and collectively define and track strategic performance measures across statewide efforts.

Arup’s process found DNR, CSFS and DFPC to be working in partnership and collaboration. DNR, CSFS and DFPC are committed to working together to provide wildfire mitigation programs and resources to Coloradans.

Please direct any questions on the assessment to the following contacts:

DNR: Tim Mauck, Deputy Director, Department of Natural Resources, tim.mauck@state.so.us

CSFS: Kristin Garrison, Associate Director, Forest Planning and Implementation, kristin.garrison@colostate.edu

DFPC: Vaughn Jones, Wildland Fire Management Section Chief, vaughn.jones@state.co.us