On behalf of the SB20-048 Work Group, the Department of Natural Resources delivered the Work Group’s Anti-Speculation Law Report to the members of the Water Resources Review Committee today. The report, titled SB 20-048 - Report of the Work Group to Explore Ways to Strengthen Current Water Anti-Speculation Law, is the culmination of the Work Group’s efforts to fulfill the provisions of SB20-048. As directed by the General Assembly, Dan Gibbs, the Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources, convened the Work Group to explore ways to strengthen current water anti-speculation law. The Work Group included a diverse collection of Coloradans from the legal, nonprofit, municipal, and agricultural communities and from a variety of water basins throughout Colorado, and was co-chaired by Scott Steinbrecher, Assistant Deputy Attorney General and Kevin Rein, State Engineer as members.
The Work Group Co-chairs provided the following statement on the release of the final report:
”The quality and comprehensive nature of the report is the direct result of the extraordinary effort of the Work Group, which was composed of members with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. The diversity in perspectives and each member’s willingness to contribute based on their experience and unique background was what led to a final report that will be informative to the Water Resources Review Committee, giving them the information needed in order to decide whether to make changes to Colorado’s body of anti-speculation law.
A copy of the report can be found here.